AI Tools We Love for B2B Marketing

At FABRIQ, we’re all about embracing the latest tech that’s out there to help marketing do its job more effectively. In doing so, we’ve been embracing the AI platforms that are starting to emerge as useful additions to the marketers stable of go-to products we might be using everyday.

In the spirit of openness, we wanted to put together our list of the best platforms out there at the moment. The sheer scale is immense, so forgive us the zillions we’ve not mentioned, especially where AI is built into your existing, favourite apps that you’ve been using for years.

But if you want an insight into some cool AI for marketing, you’re in the right place.


Obviously, we can’t write a blog without mentioning the behemoth of the AI sector that everyone knows of. But, we might say something different to what you’d normally hear.

ChatGPT has captured a lot of the headlines in mainsteam media, so there’s a good chance you’ve played around with the free version of (v3.5). For those who have, you’ll know it’s a bit, how can we put it, hit and miss. It has shortcomings – like, its summary of specific web pages is a bit too top level to be useful and its training data includes information up to January 2022 (so good luck researching something really up to date). Also, it’s ability to write compelling copy is not too hot (more on that later).    

But it does have a paid-for version (v4 at $20 per month), the more powerful sibling of the base v3.5.

I asked ChatGPT what the differences between the two are. Here’s what it told me:

1.      Model Size and Architecture: GPT-4, the foundation of ChatGPT v4, is a larger and more sophisticated model compared to GPT-3.5. This increase in size typically contributes to a model's ability to understand and generate more complex and nuanced text.

2.      Understanding and Context: GPT-4 has an improved ability to understand context and generate relevant responses. It can grasp more subtle nuances in language, leading to responses that are more accurate and contextually appropriate.

3.      Knowledge and Accuracy: ChatGPT v4 is generally more knowledgeable, thanks to the larger dataset it was trained on, which includes more recent information up to its cutoff in 2023. It tends to be more accurate in its responses, especially on subjects that require up-to-date knowledge.

4.      Language and Multitasking Skills: GPT-4 shows improvements in its language capabilities, including better understanding of different languages and dialects. It is also better at multitasking within a single conversation, handling multiple threads or queries more smoothly.

5.      Handling Ambiguity and Complex Instructions: The newer version is more adept at handling ambiguous queries and following complex instructions. This is due to its enhanced understanding of context and its ability to infer meaning from less explicit instructions.

6.      Safety and Ethical Considerations: Both versions incorporate safety features to mitigate harmful or inappropriate content generation. However, GPT-4 includes further refinements in this area, making it better at avoiding the generation of unsafe content and adhering to ethical guidelines.

7.      Customizability and Fine-tuning: GPT-4 offers more advanced options for developers to fine-tune and customize the model for specific applications. This includes better tools for creating applications with specific tones, styles, or knowledge areas. 

GPT-4 is definitely an upgrade on -3.5, as you would expect for something you’re now paying for. But what’s less well known about it is the range of GPTs that have been custom-built for the platform by other providers. Think of these as the Apple App Store of ChatGPT.

Go premium on your ChatGPT and you can explore a range of made-for-you GPTs.

You get to choose from a range of GPTs that sit within different categories, like Writing, Productivity, Research and Programming. I played around with one that looks at your web site and any other information you want to feed it and then creates a structured suggestion for what to include in a PowerPoint presentation. So, if you’re stuck putting together a PowerPoint framework, this is the kind of thing you can use. It’s not perfect, but pretty cool, provides decent recommendations and definitely saves you some time.

Suffice to say, ChatGPT is a powerful platform that’s rightly shown people the art of the possible. But, if you want something a little more specific to the world of marketing, read on.


This is a plugin on the Google Chrome browser that’s powered by ChatGPT v4. It describes itself as an all-in-one AI assistant that summarises content for you (point it at blogs, YouTube videos, research docs, websites); AI writes content for you and finds other AI plugins. You can use it to automate actions, e.g. instruct it to respond to an email in a certain way after it’s hit your inbox.



This is a powerful AI solution designed to build your personal brand on LinkedIn. Use it to automate LinkedIn to engage prospects at scale with personalised engagement and outreach. It does the lot, from helping you create personalised posts, through to analysing your previous posts or those of other influencers to improve the content you’re putting out. It’ll help you to schedule and write posts on any topic, even creating multi-slide carousels, which have become a top engaging format on LinkedIn. Finally, it allows you to build your network through comments on other people’s posts, bulk DMs and importing people who engaged with your posts.

Use AI to build your brand on LinkedIn


With AI conquering natural human-like copywriting, the next big battleground is video. BHuman claims to address this opportunity squarely through a process of cloning yourself to create videos more simply and quickly on any topic you choose. It enables to you clone yourself (including your voice) to create hundreds of personalised videos for cold outreach to prospects. Because people think you filmed the video specifically for them, they're more compelled to take action. In reality, it was all your clone. The platform boasts an array of top customers already using it and 2x opens, 7x click-throughs and 4x conversions against standard email outreach. Worth checking out.

Here's the video they’ve just sent to me when I signed up to their newsletter. Pretty cool!


A real simple premise this one. With just a few text inputs, you can generate new branding and logo. You can even update existing brand content too. Brandmark is trained on over 1 million logos worldwide so you can do fun things with it, like compare your logo to others out there. Here’s how ours rated for uniqueness – 3/100! Better have a chat with Graham!

Brandmark rated our logo uniqueness 3/100, eek!


This is the kind of area AI is now reaching into. Looking for a new website? This claims to get your business online in 30 seconds and has already created over 6m websites. Once you’ve done that, you can take advantage of the in-built SEO tools, Google ads writer, the CRM backing it up and the automation of tasks it offers through the Durable AI assistant.

Durable creates websites in minutes, seconds even!


Ever say waiting in an annoying Zoom meeting where the other person hasn’t turned up but their AI assistant note -taker has? Me neither, ahem! Anyway, you might already be aware Otter. It’s not supposed to replace a human in a meeting (at least not the person you’re supposed to be meeting!), but it’s there to record your Zoom calls and transcribes them into written notes. Pretty handy if you’re a back-to-back kinda person who needs to ensure meetings are recorded with actions or key points written down and shared (or like me, takes copious notes).

Otter AI takes meeting notes so you don’t have to.


For anyone that’s used to running digital ad campaigns at scale, you’ll know that settling on the right platform to manage them is almost as tough as spending every waking minute tweaking, reporting and analysing your ad performance. Albert does the heavy lifting for you at machine pace and scale. You set it a KPI and it will optimise your ad campaign against it, learning which creative, time and place engages your target audience and moves you towards your goal. It uses AI to manage existing search, social or programmatic campaign accounts to deliver a better allocation of budget against channels, tactics and audiences.

Albert is the expert ad manager friend you’ve always wanted


Browse is built to allow you to extract data from any website on the internet. You simply sign up to a price plan, build a robot (no coding skills required) and off you go extracting data into a spreadsheet or similar. Use cases are varied, but let’s say you want to keep tabs on a competitor’s web inventory, the offers it has on, price changes in its ecommerce offering, reviews and new product launches, that kind of thing. Now you can without tying up any of your human resources.


Anyone requiring product photos can now remove the hassle and cost of adding backgrounds through this tool. It allows you, through AI, to add or remove backgrounds on images. When removing backgrounds, you can leave the image subject highlighted on a transparent background to incorporate any other graphics you want. What’s more, you can do that for free. Of course, if you need to add a different background in, you can do that too.  

Need to remove backgrounds off images? Photoroom does it for free.


This one feels quite old now, such is the pace of change in the AI space. It’s because it’s become one of the best known tools for creating copy, in a range of tones and styles, on any topic. We love it at FABRIQ. When you compare its output to ChatGPT, for instance, you do see the shortcomings of using other tools. You can upload your own content into Jasper so it learns your tone of voice, then anything it writes from there will sound like you. Like any AI writing tool, it’s not something you can just set and forget. Google is cracking down on websites that lazily churn out obvious and generic AI content that’s not serving much value to the reader. But as a start point to help you turn around blogs, email copy, web copy, Jasper is really rather good.

Stop staring at that blank page and sign up to Jasper instead


If you’re looking for inspiration for images for whatever marketing project you’re on, Lexica enables you to create a range of images using the saved prompts you’re inputting, so all images generated are consistent and on brand.

As you can see, when I searched for “Realistic looking girl riding a bike in Amsterdam”, it’s not perfect, but it’s not a bad effort. The cool thing is you can refine your results by taking the description the system provides against each image and allowing you to continue generating new images with a refined set of keywords.

Needs a bit of work but a decent start point from Lexica for '“girl on a bike in Amsterdam”


Brand24 is an AI social listening tool that scours news sites, social media, blogs, forums, video and other places to aggregate mentions. It gathers insights from 25 million online sources, tracked in real-time and then applies advanced sentiment analysis to segment positive, negative or neutral mentions to create reports.

Brand24 using AI to disrupt an established marketing solution sector


This is an AI-powered platform where you can analyse and manage millions of the most influential content creators on social media today. Anyone that’s run influencer marketing campaigns will know how time consuming it can be to manually figure out which influencers might be a good match for your brand or campaign. Influencity takes most of the leg work away, allowing you to discover, then organise and manage key influencers. Once you’re working with them, you can use the platform to set up campaigns and keep everything ticking over in one place.


We’ve written about the influence of technology on the life of a B2B marketer already and this is just a new flavour. AI will continue to explode, forging new sectors and pushing the art of the possible in existing ones. We’ll revisit this blog from time to time with an update of new AI tools that have found their way into our daily affections.


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